He spread His wings and caught me, He carried me on His pinions!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Who do I need to forgive?

Relationships are not always easy to navigate. They can be like treacherous waters. God designed us for relationship therefore it is important to go to our Master Guidebook for wise instruction, in how to navigate through some occasionally perplexing relationship conflicts.

In our Master Guidebook, the apostle Paul urges us in Ephesians 4:32. "Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God through Jesus has forgiven you!"

"Love each other as I have loved you!" John 15:12 Let's be honest, on occasion, we are clueless as to how to love, let alone forgive one another like Jesus teaches us.

Forgiveness doesn't mean we bury our head in the sand and forget the incident. Forgiveness means letting go of the desire to meet out revenge and to let go of personal bitterness toward someone who has hurt us.

Forgiveness does NOT mean we must trust that person instantly. On the contrary, wise forgiveness means trust must be built, over time. Resentment or an unforgiving spirit against another is like "thinking" you are giving that person who has offended you a bottle of poison, when "really" the person being poisoned is yourself. This bitter root begins to poison, not only yourself but all your other relationships, including your most prized relationship with God.

Jesus shares a real life lesson on forgiveness in our Master Guidebook. The story in Matthew 18:32-35 is a real eye opener. Jesus does not pull the punch. He wants us to forgive our brothers and sisters from our heart (for without mercy, we will not be given mercy).

As I ponder God's Great mercy and grace my perspective changes. Whoa! Jesus has forgiven so much of my own messed up life! Why wouldn't I want to give His grace and mercy to another family member, since he/she is struggling along this journey, called life, just like me?

With All My Love,

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