He spread His wings and caught me, He carried me on His pinions!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Is Anything too Hard for Me?

Talking to God about whatever may be troubling me and then committing the ENTIRE matter into His hands. When I do this it frees me from the internal conflict and the confusion the enemy would like to place in my mind [take EVERY thought captive to the mind of Christ].  In fact, when I have a desire or plan to do something, when I am undergoing some difficulty or trial, or I am simply doing the dailyness of life, I go to my Heavenly Father and talk to Him about the matter.

I bring my tears to Him about that "situation," or the burden of my heart, then I place it in my "God-Box," trusting that He alone is able.  As I move away from that burden, recorded in my journal and placed in my "God-Box," I continue to live life, exercise a quiet and gentle spirit, have a sweet diligence about the days chores, and continue to recognize my deep dependence on Him to carry that "situation" or burden.

Commit your cares to Him. He can handle it much better than we EVER could!

"Commit your way to the LORD." Psalm 37:5

We have a God who delights in impossibilities and who asks,
"Is anything too hard for Me?" Jeremiah 32:27

1 comment:

  1. So true!!! You know Beth Moore does something similar. She has a box she puts her concerns and worries in and she doesn't open the box or think about these things for a week. By the time she goes back to the box the items within don't seem to carry as much weight as they did before...God has freed her from the chains of those worries. Thank you so much for your inspiring words. I will most certainly be using my God box a lot more often!! God bless you sister.


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